Unit 3A: Combining text and graphics
most children will: combine graphics with text; use appropriate effects and re-size graphics
some children will not have made so much progress and will: combine graphics with text
some children will have progressed further and will: combine graphics with text; choose effects that match their purposes so that the graphics and text complement each other
Unit 3B: Manipulating sound
most children will: use music software to develop and refine a musical composition
some children will not have made so much progress and will: use music software to create a sequence of musical phrases
some children will have progressed further and will: use music software to develop and refine a musical composition and adapt it in the light of performance
Unit 3C: Introduction to databases
most children will: enter data into a database with a predetermined structure and use it to answer straightforward questions and produce bar charts
some children will not have made so much progress and will: enter data into a database with a predetermined structure and find information in it by matching the query to the question
some children will have progressed further and will: enter data into a database with a predetermined structure and use it to answer straightforward questions and produce bar charts; turn questions into search criteria
Unit 3D: Exploring simulations
most children will: recognise patterns within simulations and make and test predictions
some children will not have made so much progress and will: use simulations to make and test predictions; explore options
some children will have progressed further and will: identify the relationship
Unit 3E: E-mail
most children will: send, receive and reply to e-mails; develop and refine text messages
some children will not have made so much progress and will: receive and reply to e-mails
some children will have progressed further and will: send, receive and reply to e-mails; develop and refine text messages; send text and images as attachments